How we make python leather band

Our unique leather comes from the Hang Lung Leather Factory located in Defu Lane, Singapore. With 70 years of professional experience and exquisite craftsmanship, Hang Lung was the first reptile leather tannery in the world to receive ISO quality management certification in 1998. Their expertise in the production of reptile leather allows our products to exhibit exceptional quality and style.


Heng Long Leather Factory specializes in high-quality exotic leather for global fashion brands. They elevate traditional craftsmanship to an art, excelling in reptile leather tanning. Their Singapore production facilities use advanced technology to meet stringent client demands, making them industry leaders.

wildlife protection&Environmental friendly

We prioritize wildlife protection in choosing partners. Hang Lung Group advocates for sustainable crocodile resource use, adheres to CITES regulations, and collaborates with government and non-government organizations. They are active in industry development, advise the government, and support endangered species protection through their environmental efforts, making them an ideal partner for us.

Our Commitment

We are firmly committed to adhering to high standards of craftsmanship and material selection, and we hold immense respect for environmental protection. With the comprehensive coordination of these factors, we consistently provide the highest quality products.

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