
The environmental mission of the company that makes watch straps

Since 2019
We've grown significantly, expanding our product range, internal team and company goals. As all of this grows, so does our responsibility to us. The challenges posed by the world make us realize that as part of the planet we have a responsibility to take action. Therefore, an important part of our future mission is to reduce carbon emissions and lead to a more sustainable future

Our environmental efforts

Since 2022, emissions from the products we make and deliver, as well as from our supply chain, employee commuting, business travel and utility bills. We are committed to reducing and offsetting our carbon footprint every year, including the fluoroelastomer straps we make from renewable and sustainable resources.

The company achieves 100% carbon emission solution

Our carbon emissions plan includes:

  1. Product manufacturing and delivery: We work with suppliers to optimize.
  2. Supply chain: We encourage suppliers to adopt greener living Employee commuting: We encourage employees to adopt environmentally friendly commuting methods, such as walking and cycling
  3. Business Travel: We strive to reduce business travel
  4. Emissions from utility bills: Through solar energy, we are not only working to reduce energy consumption in the office, but also using renewable energy through procurement

future career
1: Innovative environmental protection technology, we will continue to find and adopt innovative environmental protection technologies and methods.
2: Social responsibility, we will continue to actively fulfill our corporate responsibilities and promote environmentally sustainable development.
3: Education and awareness, we will be committed to educating and enhancing the environmental protection awareness of employees and communities.

What we haven't finished yet

We're proud of the progress we've made in reducing our environmental impact, but we know there's more work to do. We're always looking for better ways to create durable, high-quality products with minimal impact on the planet, and we want your help on this sustainable path! If you would like to contact us about sustainable material options or carbon offsetting, please email

Because of your actions, the Earth is a little more at ease! Every action today is the best protection for tomorrow.